Burke S.E.L. (2020). Environmental Impacts on Mental Health. In: Carey T.A., Gullifer J. (eds) Handbook of Rural, Remote, and very Remote Mental Health. Springer, Singapore.
Burke S.E.L. (2020). Addressing Climate Change. In: Carey T.A., Gullifer J. (eds) Handbook of Rural, Remote, and very Remote Mental Health. Springer, Singapore.
Burke, S.E.L. (2020). Climate change and Mental Health. In G. Meadows, J. Farhall, E. Fossey, B. Happell, F. Mcdermott, S. Rosenberg (Eds). Mental Health and Collaborative Community Practice: An Australian Perspective. 4th Edition, Nov 2020.
Burke, S.E.L. & Blashki, G. (2020). Climate change anxiety and our mental health. In H. Sykes (Ed). Climate Health and Courage. Melbourne, Future Leaders.
Burke, S.E.L., & Sanson, A.V. (2019). Facing the realities of climate change. In E.Johnson (Ed.) Future Kind, Essays on Raising the Generation our World Needs. Melbourne: Radiate Publishing.
Sanson, A.V., Van Hoorn, J., & Burke, S.E.L. (2019). Responding to the Impacts of the Climate Crisis on Children and Youth. Child Development Perspectives; Pages: 201-207.
Sanson A.V., & Burke, S.E.L. (2019). Climate Change and Children: An Issue of Intergenerational Justice. Children and Peace - Peace Psychology Book Series, Nikola Balvin and Daniel J. Christie (Eds): 978-3-030-22175-1, 460239_1_En, (21). Springer: Nature.
Burke, S.E.L., Sanson, A.V. & Van Hoorn, J. (2018). The Psychological Effects of Climate Change on Children. Current Psychiatry Reports 20:35,
Ann V. Sanson, Susie E. L. Burke & Judith Van Hoorn (2018) Climate Change: Implications for Parents and Parenting. Parenting, 18:3, 200-217, DOI:10.1080/15295192.2018.1465307
Hayes, K., Blashki, G., Wiseman, J., Burke, S. & Reifels, L. (2018). Climate change and mental health: risks, impacts and priority actions. International Journal of Mental Health Systems 12:28,
Meaghan O'Donnell, Winnie Lau, PhD; Julia Fredrickson, DPsych; Richard A Bryant, PhD; Jonathan Bisson, DM; Susie Burke, PhD; Walter Busuttil, MB ChB, FRCPsych; Andrew Coghlan; Mark Creamer, PhD; Debbie Gray, MSc; Neil Greenberg, MD, FRCPsych; Brett McDermott, MD; Alexander C McFarlane, MD; Candice Monson, PhD; Andrea Phelps, PhD; Josef Ruzek, PhD; Paula P Schnurr, PhD; Janette Ugsang, MSc; Patricia Watson, PhD; Shona Whitton, MCDEM; Richard Williams, MB ChB, FRCPsych; Sean Cowlishaw, PhD; David Forbes, PhD. The Skills For Life Adjustment and Resilience (SOLAR) program: a brief psychosocial intervention for disaster and trauma survivors. In Press.
Burke, S. (2015). Communicating about Climate Change. In R. Walker and W. Mason (Eds). Climate Change Adaptation for Health and Social Services. Melbourne, CSIRO Publishers.
Fritze, J., Blashki, G., Burke, S., Wiseman, J. (2008). Hope, despair and transformation: climate change and the promotion of mental health and wellbeing. International Journal of Mental Health Systems 2, 13, 1-10.
Trinder, M., Soltys, M., & Burke, S. (2008). A preliminary evaluation of the Confident Kids Program – a stand alone component of the Exploring Together Program. Australian e-Journal for the Advancement of Mental Health, 7(1),
Burke, S., Soltys, M., & Trinder, M. (2008). A preliminary evaluation of the Together Parenting Program – a stand alone component of the Exploring Together Program. Australian e-Journal for the Advancement of Mental Health, 7(1),
Osborne, R.H., Elsworth, G., Kissane, D.W., Burke, S.A., Hopper, J.L. (1999). The Mental Adjustment to Cancer (MAC) scale: Replication and refinement in 632 breast cancer patients. Psychological Medicine, 29, 6, 1335-1345.
Burke, S & Kissane, D.W. (1998). Psychosocial support for breast cancer patients: a review of interventions by specialist providers. NHMRC National Breast Cancer Centre. Sydney, Australia
Burke, S & Kissane, D.W. (1998). Psychosocial support for breast cancer patients provided by members of the treatment team. NHMRC National Breast Cancer Centre, Sydney, Australia
I have written or co-authored a range of articles, tipsheets and resources on the psychology of climate change, disasters, parenting issues.
Burke, S & Sanson, A. Facing the realities of climate change. Published in the Queensland Principal, June 2020.
Burke, S. The Space Between Denial and Despair. Published by Dumbo Feather, 13 Jan 2020.
Tip Sheet: Take care to give care. Published by Two Green Threads, Feb 2020.
Information Sheet: Coping with climate change distress (APS and ACF publication)
Information Sheet: Dealing with Burnout (APS and ACF publication)
Many of the following resources can be found on the Australian Psychological Society website
Burke, S.A., Sanson, A., Keast, S. (2017). The Climate Change Empowerment Handbook. Australian Psychological Society, Melbourne, Australia.
Infographic: Climate Change Empowerment Handbook
Information Sheet: A parent guide for talking with children about the climate crisis
Information sheet: 101 things you can do to help address climate change
Information sheet: Raising children to thrive in a climate changed world
Guidelines: When disasters and emergencies are caused by community violence
Information Sheet: Promoting child wellbeing following parental separation
Information Sheet: Promoting child wellbeing following parental separation in the context of family violence
APS (2018) Creating Stronger Communities, Social Cohesion Handbook. Published by the APS, Melbourne.
APS (2018) Psychological First Aid Handbook. Published by the APS, Melbourne.
Information Sheet: Tips for talking with children after tragic events
Information Sheet: Tips for helping young people cope after community violence
Information Sheet: Psychologists living in small, remote, rural communities affected by a disaster.
Information Sheet: Coping following community violence
Information Sheet: Responding constructively to disaster, tragedy or injustice
Information Sheet: Looking after children who have been affected by disasters
Information Sheet: Promoting safety, comfort and help after disasters
Information Sheet: Psychological preparation for bushfires
Information Sheet: Looking after children who are anxious about bushfires
Information Sheet: Psychological preparation for cyclones
Information Sheet: Psychological preparation for floods
ARC Information Sheet: Talking with children about preparing for disasters. Published by the Red Cross (2016).